We’ve stated this blog about Olive oil because we are pasionate of this product, of it’s origins and it’s flavour.
We want to shore with you all we keep on searching on the olive oil , and more exacte on Extra virgin olive oil.
Oilarium is born from our passion on Spanish Olive Oil
Extra virgin Olive Oil, THE ORIGIN
There is a Greek myth which tells about how Athens was named. There were two gods who wish to name the great city with it's name, Atenea and Poseidon.
The Oracle of Delfos said that the one who gives the city the best gift would be the one to name it.
Poseidon build a river of salted water and Atenea created the olive tree.
Atenea won and the olive tree was the symbol and the most representative icon of the Greek and the Roman empires.
From the the olive tree humans extract the juice of the olives, the olive oil.