The olive oil consumption in ancient Egypt

Like for Greece, Egypt used a lot of olive oil. Egypt used also olive oil for several purposes, the first of it, olive oil was used like food. Indeed egyptian believe a lot in medical virtues of olive oil. The other use than did the egyptians it’s the decoration....
Olive oil and cholesterol

Olive oil and cholesterol

WHAT IS CHOLESTEROL? Cholesterol is an essential fatty substance for our liver, as well as our food. This implies that when the food has a high cholesterol value, the risk to suffer from cardiovascular diseases increases. OLIVE OIL AND CHOLESTEROL … Olive oil...

Olive oil in Italy

The culture of olive tree in Italy is mainly in regions of Puglia, Sicily and the region Calabria or in a lesser extent in Tuscany, Ombrie, and Ligurie. Italy is the second producer of olive oil in the world behind Spain, this is mainly had large spaces devoted to the...

Olive oil and cardiovascular diseases.

Many studies have shown the strong link between the phenomenon of atherosclerosis and eating habits. Its evolution depends on several elements. The most important consequences are diabetes, increased cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or even smoking. In...

Frying with olive oil

Frying is one of the oldest cooking methods. Nowadays, it is commonly used, especially due to the evolution of fast food, because it is considered a ‘fast and efficient’ method when cooking. From a culinary point of view, olive oil is well digested,...