por oilarium | Jun 3, 2014 | Extra virgin olive oil, Mediterranean cooking, Mediterranean diet, Nutrition, Oilarium, Slides
The olive oil and the méditerranée: a particularly narrow relation! Indeed, it is from there where the story of the olive oil began, in the Mediterranean Basin. The story continues since millenniums and today, it is the major ingredient of the Mediterranean cooking....
por oilarium | Abr 7, 2014 | Oilarium, Olive tree, Slides, Spain
It’s been a while that the olive tree has become a garden plant in Spain. Currently adorn public and private gardens from north to south. Its majesty and beauty make olive tree perfects to be planted in big houses and luxury mansions that want to have a design...
por oilarium | Mar 21, 2014 | Oilarium, Slides
A few days ago we were in the Gourmet Madrid show 2014. Alli could taste new products and classics that never fail, but mostly tasted a multitude of extra virgin olive oils of the highest quality Spanish. We found a very interesting stand with all Spaniards quality...
por oilarium | Mar 17, 2014 | Oilarium, Slides
We’ve stated this blog about Olive oil because we are pasionate of this product, of it’s origins and it’s flavour. We want to shore with you all we keep on searching on the olive oil , and more exacte on Extra virgin olive oil.